CLUI Deployement Descriptor for {{cluiAppName}}. You can bookmark it for later reuse.
LTI Deployement Descriptor for {{ltiAppName}}. You can bookmark it for later reuse.
LTI 1.3 only: as ZTest is stateless, there is no formal registration, so the client ID must be passed in the init login URL. So 1st deploy ZTest, get the client_id, then redeploy with the client id.
For inline activities: identifies which JS handler is in charge of rendering the activity in the Mindtap reader
Privacy Settings:
The secret is ztest-secret, consumer key can be any value as long as it is unique per deployement.
For LTI certification, use: IMS Certification Deployement Descriptor with email, name, id, only id, only name and id, only email and id
Supported platforms are:
URLs for LTI 1.3 testing
3rd party login url{{lti13Onlylogin}}client_id is required (as ZTest is stateless). "platform" is optional and for values, see supported platforms
Redirect URI (LTI 1.3 only){{lti13Onlyredirect}}Redirect URI only for LTI.
URLs for Mindapp API LTI 1.3 testing
3rd party login url{{lti13login}}client_id is required (as ZTest is stateless). "platform" is optional and for values, see supported platforms
Redirect URI (LTI 1.3 only){{lti13redirect}}Redirect URI only for LTI.
JWKS Url{{lti13jwks}}JWK Set URL for ZTest public key.
Public Key
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
launch url{{lti11url}}
consumer keyAny value
shared secretztest-secret